This 3 year old quarter horse untied himself at a public arena and ungloved his forearm from the
chest almost to the knee.
Case 2:
This mare went through the
windshield of a pickup.
Case 3:
Originally this roping horse sold for $200.00 at an auction. After he was doctored by Underwood’s Horse Medicine, and 2 years of roping sold for $6,500.00.
Case 4:
This injury was caused when this horse ran into a T-post during an earthquake in California.
Case 5:
This colt was hung up in barb wire all night. You could see the bone showing from the hock to the ankle.
Letter 1:
A letter from Lesi Henson about her experience with Underwoods Horse Medicine on a three year-old gelding who severely injured his face.
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